tde hydrogen
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tde hydrogen

tde energy has teamed up with world leading research groups, specialised in high temperature industrial processes, to develop hydrogen pyrolysis at a scalable industrial solution by 2025. Creating a carbon economy at scale to utilize carbon for value generation by partnering with a network of global experts to provide unique energy efficient technology.

tde hydrogen will support the growing zero-emission demands to:

  1. Generate competitive hydrogen to make it a viable industrial solution.
  2. Utilize carbon, the Building Block of Life as valuable secondary raw material for industry, construction, and agriculture to build valuable soil and reduce the irrigation requirements.
  3. Help secure global food supply reducing the associated water consumption by utilizing carbon.
  4. Fast track energy transition by capitalizing on a globally existing natural gas infrastructure.
  5. Provide flexible and modular solutions with hydrogen generation modules minimizing additional transport cost and accelerating deployment.


To supply the industry with CO2 neutral and affordable hydrogen at industrial scale.


Natural gas is abundant globally, but to generate energy in the present day creates carbon dioxide.


tde energy is addressing challenges by transforming natural gas to hydrogen as a scalable, low-cost and sustainable energy carrier, consequently producing solid carbon as secondary raw material by using hydrogen pyrolysis (turquoise hydrogen).

Unique energy efficient technology

tde energy is partnering with network of global experts creating a carbon economy at scale to utilize carbon for value generation, e.g. construction applications.

Our unique process will produce solid carbon at different qualities ready to be used in agriculture and as input for industrial processes while providing the following advantages: